The Title Goes Here with Each Initial Letter Capitalized
(Font: Times New Roman, Bold, 14pt)
First Author’s Full Name1*   Second Author’s Full Name2 and Third Author’s Full Name3
(Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt)
1(Font: Times New Roman, Italic, 10 pt) Replace this text with an author’s affiliation
(use complete addresses). Note the use of * is to indicate the author’s e-mail address below.
2Affiliation of second author
(Additional affiliations should be indicated by superscript numbers 3,4 etc.)

*Corresponding author’s email:
(Font: Times New Roman, 10pt)
First Author’s Full Name ORCID:
(For example, Puspa Raj Poudel ORCID:
Second Author’s Full Name ORCID:
Third Author’s Full Name ORCID:


(Center align, Times New Roman, 12 ppt)
The NHS Proceedings article template ….. The abstract contains objective, methodology, and result if relevant to the article. Abstract should not exceed 250 words.
Keywords: Ldfnjdfgj, jdhgefu, jsdfgjsy, kjsdfhj, banana (5 words only)
(Times New Roman, 12pt; Only first letter of first word capital)
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Body of introduction section:
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The grape is one of the fruit crops of Nepal. ……………….
Materials and Methods:
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Text/body of materials and method section:
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Plant materials and experimental settings:
The experiment was conducted in  ……………………..
Anthocyanin extraction
The anthocyanin was extracted following the procedure……………
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis:
The HPLC procedure used in this experiment was similar as those described in the Poudel et al (2020)…………………………..
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(Font: Times new Roman, italics, 12pt)
Text/body of result section:
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Anthocyanin profiles of grapes:
The present study revealed that …………………..
Microarray analysis and global gene expression:
The microarray analysis revealed that a total of 330 genes were expressed in all the grape genotypes………………………
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Text/body of discussion section:
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Text/body of discussion section:
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Text/body of acknowledgement section:
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The authors would like acknowledge Tribhuvan University, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science for providing research grant (Grant number: 1234) to conduct this study. We also acknowledge Mr/Mrs xxx for providing grape sample.
Declaration of conflict of interest and ethical approval:
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Text/body of this section:
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P.R. Poudel involved in designing the experiment, conducting HPLC and Microarray analysis and writing the manuscript. X.Y. Gurung involved in conducting PCR works and participated in writing the manuscript. All the authors have read the manuscript before submitting to the journal Nepalese Horticulture and declares that there is no any type of competing interest regarding the current manuscript. The current article does not include any human participants or animals by the authors and has taken prior approval if applicable.
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Text/body of this section:
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  • Follow APA style
  • Hanging as illustrated below
Acharya, U.K. & Pakka, R. (2018). Evaluation of mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) cultivars to expand production period in eastern hills of Nepal.  Nepalese Horticulture, 13, 34-43.
Poudel, P. R., Koyama, K., & Goto-Yamamoto, N. (2020). Evaluating the influence of temperature on proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in developing grape berries (Vitis vinifera L.)Molecular Biology Reports47(5), 3501–3510. DOI: