Mohan Bahadur Thapa1, Sanjay Dhimal2
1President, Nepal Horticulture Society
2Horticulture Development Officer, Ministry of Agricultural Development
Government organizations were not in existence before 1950 to develop horticulture sector. Cultivation of horticulture crops was limited to homestead gardens. After the creation of Department of Horticulture during sixties several horticulture farms were established in different agro-ecological zones where research and extension programs were launched and horticulture development took momentum. Nepal has diverse agro-climatic zones which are suitable for the production of different niche high value crops. There is tremendous scope for commercial horticultural crops production to enter into the international market. Due to poor transportation facilities, infra-structure, linkage to the international market and technical know-how, horticulture development could not gain momentum as anticipated although suitable pocket areas for the production of fruits, vegetables and other high value commodities have been identified. Thus, some recommendations are mentioned here so that commercial
production and marketing of horticulture crops can be strengthened which ultimately back up the economy of the country.
Keywords: Horticulture industry, infrastructure, niche product, indigenous, exotic, plantation crop, cut flower, post-harvest, export, import.