D. Adhikari* and U. Pun**
*District Agriculture Development Office, Sindhuli
**LA College of Higher Studies, Hattiban, Lalitpur
A Study was conducted during 2009/10 to determine suitable marigold (Tagetes erecta) variety for winter season cultivation in Chitwan condition.. Result showed a significant influence variety and planting date on vegetative growth and flower production. The marigold variety Karma-1 planted on 15th Jan. showed higher plant height (67.1 cm), spread (42.2 cm) and branch number (8.2 cm) than Karma -2 and other planting dates. In contrast, Karma-2 variety planted on 15th Jan. showed early flowering characteristics. Karma -1.produced heavier (6.39 gm) and larger (6.4 cm diameter) Sized flowers. Likewise, marigold crop planted on 15th Jan, produced heavier (6.0 gm) while larger flower (6.5 cm) was produced from 31st Dec. planting. Maximum number of flowers per plant (59.9) and flower yield (410.6 gm) were recorded with 15th Jan. planting from Karma -1.
Keywords: African marigold (Tagetes erecta), variety, time of planting, flower production