Giri Dhari Subedi and Bhim Bahadur Mahat
Horticultural Research Station, Rajikot, Jumla
On farm experiments were carried out during the rainy season of 2008 and 2009 in order to identify suitable cauliflower, cabbage and tomato varieties under on farm conditions. A total of three genotypes of cauliflower, six genotypes of cabbage and four genotypes of tomato were tested in RCBD. The results revealed that Snow Crown variety of cauliflower was the highest yielder (22.9 t/ha) followed by Snow Ball 16 (19.5 t/ha) whereas cultivar Katmandu Local was lowest yielder (16.2 t/ha). Farmer's preferred Snow Crown variety of cauliflower because of is earliness, good taste and high yield potential. Likewise, Green Coronet variety of cabbage was the highest yielder (88.89 t/ha) followed by Copenhagen Market (82.72 t/ha) whereas Golden Acre was lowest yielder (33.95 t/ha). Farmer's preferred Green Coronet variety of cabbage because of its good taste, cold tolerance and high yield potential. Likewise, Srijana variety of tomato was the highest yielder (16.6 t/ha) followed by Manisha (14.9 t/ha) whereas cultivar Pusa Ruby was the lowest yielder (11.9 t/ha).