S Gautam*,S. Amatya*, B. Sharma*, M. B. Nepali* and S.P. Srivastav**
*Socio-economics and Agricultural Research Policy Division, NARC
**Citrus Research Program, Paripatle Dhankuta
Mandarin is one of the important cash generating fruit crop in the hills of Nepal. The productive area of mandarin in Nepal is 14601 hectare and annual production is 174868 these area and production are more than double of that of 10 years before. Khoku, One of the prominent mandarin growing villages of Dhankuta District, has been selected to conduct PRA survey in order to analyze mandarin production and contribution in household income and constraints. The study was initiated with the identification and selection of key sites under the command areas and group discussion was made with the concern farmers. In the PRA survey, almost 30 Farmers participated. In the study area, 32 % of the total annual income is contributed by mandarin followed by 30 % non-farm activities (job salary, carpentry and remittance), 13 % cereal crops and 10% livestock. Annual sell of mandarin in each household ranges from Rs 30000 to Rs 250000. Mandarin is sold on the contract basis. Most of farmers make the contract during the time of harvest. However, few farmers make the contract prior to harvesting time. Regarding the farm management practice, compost is used each year by all farmers. Sulphur is sprayed only by 5 % farmers and no chemical fertilizer is used. Farmers suspected the greening diseases in some trees of several farm. Sample has been collected and sent to NAST in order to make sure the diseases. However, farmers couldn't get the result so far.
Keywords: productive area, production, prominent, household income, greening diseases,