Samid Ahamad*, R.C. Adhikari** and D.K.Chaudhary*
*Regional Agriculture Research Station Khajura, Nepalgunj
**National Potato Research Program Khumaltar, Lalitpur
The investigation entitled "Evaluation of true potato seed (TPS) Families for seeding tuber production in mid and far western terai of Nepal" was carried out at Regional Agriculture Research Station Khajura, Nepalgunj during the winter season of 2066/67 and 2067/68. Studies were performed taking eight genotypes of TPS families namely MFII x TPS67, HPSII/67, HPS7/67, TPS7 x TPS67, C98HT-200.14 x C99HT-2-58.1, C96H-02.4 x C99HT-1-58.1, C96H-4 x C99HT-64.8, C96H-02.4 x C99HT-2-32.17. The families were tested in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications. Plot size was 1m x 1m. Nursery beds were raised to 15 cm height with the mixture of soil and farm yard manure at 1:1 ratio. Fertilizers were applied @ 150:100:50 kg/ha (NPK). The major objectives of the experiment was to identify the suitable true potato seed (TPS) families for seedling tuber production in nursery bed with good uniformity, color, shape, resistant to disease and yield. The tuber yield produced by HPS II/67 (2.614 kg/m2) and C98HT-200.14xC99HT-2-58.1(2.596 kg/m2) were obtained higher than other tested families. The maximum plant uniformity was also recorded on HPSII/67. None of the tested families were found resistant to late blight. On the basis of the results obtained it can be concluded that TPS family HPSII/67 and C98HT-200.14 x C99HT-2-58.1 of potato were suitable for seedling tuber production in mid and far western terai of Nepal. However for recommendation it requires further investigation.
Keywords: Families, evaluation, late blight, seedling tuber, resistance.