Evaluation of Pepper Genotypes against Phytophthora Blight Disease

R.D. Timila, Ph.D.
Plant Pathology Division,
Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Khumaltar, Lalitpur


Pepper (Capsicum annuum L and C. fruitescens L.) is an important high value crop grown for vegetable and for spice purposes. Phytophthora blight caused by Phytophthora capsici Leonian is a serious disease of prpper causing foliar blight; fruit rot and crown/root rot phases. Crown/root rot phase is the most devastating phase of the disease. Experiments were conducted with the objective to find resistant/tolerant varieties against phytophthora blight disease. Seedling evaluations were carried out in inoculated conditions under screen house during 2007-2009. Inoculum of zoospore suspension of 104-5 spore/ml was used at the rate of 25 ml per plant at 5 week old stage of seedling. Based on the terminal disease incidence (5-7 weeks after inoculation), NS 1701, Chandani, Tara, Angarika and Premium were found resistant in seedling assay. During 2010 and 2011, on-farm evaluation of selected genotypes (11-13) was carried out in the farmers' field with the history of Phytophthora blight in chili pepper. The experiment was conducted in two replications each with 16 plants. NS 1701, Tara, Angarika and Chandani were Found resistant. Other genotypes NS 214, NS 1101, Goli and Premium were moderately resistant. Lesser fruit rot was Found in  Angarika, NS 1701, Long Wei and Pusa Jwala compared to other varieties. Those resistant to moderately resistant genotypes could be used as one of the tools of integrated disease management of phytophthora blight in disease prone areas to minimize
crop/yield losses.

Keywords: Incidence, genotypes, blight, crown/root rot

Published Year

Proceeding Volume 8
