YR Bhusal*, KB Thapa*, and R. Chaudhary**
*Agriculture Research Station (Horticulture), Pokhara,
**NTCDB, Pokhara
An experiment was conducted at ARS (Horticulture), Malepatan to evaluate six different varieties of Coffee namely: Pacamara, Pacas, Tekisik, Chhetradeep (a locally grown variety), Hawai Kuna and Indonesia in 2009 and 2010. Varieties were evaluated for their yield and yield attributing characteristics. Data recorded were girth (cm) at 20 cm from ground, number of bearing and non bearing branches per plant, numbers of nodes/branch, number of bearing nodes/branch, number of cherry node and cherry yield (kg ha-1) and analyzed by using statistical software Mstatc. Girth at 20 cm above the ground was found highest (13.75 cm) in variety Hawai Kuna. Similarly number of bearing and non bearing branches per plant was highest in variety Tekisik. Numbers of nodes per branch were found similar in all varieties but there was significant difference in number of bearing nodes per branch and highest was found in variety Hawai Kuna (7) which was followed by Tekisik (6), and Chhetradeep (6). Likewise, difference was observed in varieties in number of cherry per node which was found highest (4.22) in variety Indonesia and lowest (2.74) in Pacas. Cherry yield was found significantly highest (1818.80 kg ha-1) in variety Tekisik which was followed by Pacas (1181. 36 kg ha-1), Chhetradeep (1515.18 kg ha-1), Indonesia (997.63 kg ha-1), Pacamara (907.08 kg ha-1) and lowest in Hawai Kuna (887.25 kg ha-1). There is positive correlation between cherry yield and other parameters like number of nodes/plant (r = 0.288).
number of bearing nodes (r = 0.414) and number of cherry per node (r = 0.401) and negative correlation between Cherry yield and number of non bearing branches and all are statistically Significant.
Keywords- Coffee, cherry, variety, bearing