Surendra L.Shrestha*, Raj L. Sah* and Bhim B.Khatri*
*Regional Agriculture Research Station, Parwanipur, Bara
**National Potato Research Program, Khumaltar
A large number of varieties were tested as initial evaluation trial, regional varietal trial and farmer's field trial from 2063 to 2067 at RARS Parwanipur and its command area. On the basis of overall desirable characteristics; yield, pest and disease resistance, post-harvest characteristics, and preferences of the farmers, clone CIP 393280.64 has been selected for the central terai. In the trials, the tuber yield with this clone was increased by 28.2% as compared to Kufri Sindhuri, a check variety. Other check varieties Khumal Rato-2, IPY-8 and Khumal Laxmi were even inferior to Kufri Sindhuri. In addition to that, storability of this clone was also highly superior and observed that farmers can store this variety in their farm house as ware potato for five to six months and use tuber as seed potato for planting on November as sprouted tubers.
Keywords: Central terai, late Blight, keeping quality, tuber yield