Various government and non governmental organizations have continuously and consistently been engaged in horticultural researches although these organizations do not receive sufficient fundsfor this from the government. To prepare this paper, the results of the horticultural researches carried out by the faculties and students in academic institutes including TU/IAAS and AFU as well as NARC and DoA which were published in more than 32 volumes of IAAS journals (1977 to 2012), IAAS Research Reports (1982 to 2000), thesis of the post graduate students of Horticulture Departments at TU and AFU (2000-2015), IAAS Research Advances (Vol I and II, 2007), AFU Research reports (In press), Nepal Agriculture Research Journal published jointly by Nepal AgriculturalResearch Council (NARC) and Society of AgriculturalScientists Nepal (SAS-N) have been reviewed. Besides, informal discussions were held with several researchers/faculties of AFU and IAAS/TU and NARC while preparing this paper. Findings of the major researches/experiments relevant to horticultural based enterpriseson various fruits, vegetables, ornamental crops have been presented in this paper. Considering the human and laboratory resources at different institutes, collaborative researches should be conducted after setting priorities in the market/industria-oriented horticultural researches in the country.