Stability Analysis of Turmeric (Crucuma longa L.) Genotypes for Rhizome Yield in Nepal

Govind K.C.
Nepal Agricultural Research Council, National Ginger Research Programme, Kapurkot, Salyan, Nepal.


The yield evaluation trials were conducted during turmeric growing seasons (summer), 2004 to 2010 comprising local selection cultivars of turmeric over two diverse conditions, both lower altitude (181 masl) and mid hills (1480 masl), to assess the high yielding cultivars of turmeric. Joint regression analysis model was used to determine stability parameters where in mean rhizome yield of the trails was used as independent and individual genotype rhizome yield as dependent variables. The cultivar CI 9801 was found to be most ideal with greater mean rhizome yield than overall mean (27.83 mt –ha),
statistically unit regression (b=1.175) and lowest deviation from regression followed by CI 9804 which yielded higher and found to be above average, stable and adapted 1o poor environments. The
cultivar CI 0209 recorded top yield (34.05 mt -ha ) and more specifically adapted to favourable environments (b=l.313).

Keywords: stability, turmeric, rhizome yield, regression analysis.

Published Year

Proceeding Volume 8
