Some Wild Temperate Fruit Species in Jumla and Mustang Districts of Nepal

T.B. Pun and G.K. Shrestha
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal.



Nepal has diverse ecological and edaphic conditions that favor natural existence of many wild fruit species. Some of these species, but more commonly available in Jumla and Mustang districts of western Nepal are reported; these are Crab apple (Ghobligen, Edimayal and Useu), wild peach, wild apricot, wild walnut, and wild pear. Some important horticultural characters inherent in these wild fruits are described so that they can be used for improving respective fruit cultivars to suit them better for local ecosystems. More detail information and research evidence are needed for better understanding of specific characters and genotype abilities of these wild fruits.

Published Year

Volume 3

Issue 1