Krishna P. Paudyal and Hari Subedi
Harvesting season of sweet orange in Nepal is very narrow (January-February) since most plantations are composed of mid-season variety. Therefore, a variety evaluation study was carried out at National Citrus Research Programme, Dhankuta to select early, mid and late maturing varieties for the mid-hill ecological region of the country to extend harvesting duration. Fourteen varieties evaluated in this study exhibited large variations on fruit characters and maturity periods. Varieties with three types of fruit shapes: oblate, spheroids and ellipsoid were recorded. Fruit weight ranged from 101±8.6 in Dhankuta Junar to 157.7±22.1 g in Shamauti, and pulp percent varied from 51.1±5.1 as in Mosambi to 69.7±3.6 in Navelencia. Navelencia and Washington Navel were seedless varieties, while Mosambi had more than 20 seeds/ fruit. Percentage of juice content in the fruits of Leu Gim Gong and Hamlin was around 39 percent while it was only 26.2 percent in Mosambi. TSS ranged from 9.0 to 11.4 0 Brix, and total acids from 1.1 to 1.6 percent among the varieties. Navelencia and Washington Navel matured during November-December. Pineapple, Malta Blood Red, Shamauti, Mosambi, Vanelle, Dhankuta Junar, Rubi, White Taker and Hamlin were mid-season varieties maturing during January-February. Valencia, Sevelle Common and Leu Gim Gong matured around March-April. Based on maturity period and fruit characters Washington Navel was selected for early season, Pineapple and Hamlin for mid season and Valencia for late season production. By commercialization of presently selected early and late varieties, production period of sweet orange in Nepal can be extended at least for six months compared to two months at present.