Ram Chandra Adhikari, Moha Dutta Sharma and Komal Bahadur Basnet
Potato Research Programme, NARC, Khumaltar
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur, Chitwan
A field study was conducted on sandy loam soil of humid sub-tropical condition at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal during November 1999 to February 2000 to assess the response of potato cultivars, Kufri Sinduri and Desire to different levels of N, P and K with respect to nutrient uptake at different stages of growth and development. Distinct difference was marked in N, P and K uptake by tubers between cultivars. The uptake of NPK nutrients by tubers was increased up to 90 days after planting (DAP) in Kufri Sinduri whereas it was only up to 75 DAP in Desire. The N, P and K-uptake by haulms and tubers of Kufri Sinduri were significantly higher to Desire at different growth stages. Response of potato crop to different levels of NPK in respect to their uptake by haulms and tubers was observed up to 75 DAP in both cultivars. At this stage the accumulation of nitrogen in haulms and tubers was significantly higher at 100:75:50 kg NPK ha compared to the lowest dose (50:50:50) of NPK. Significantly higher amount of P uptake by haulms and tubers was obtained at the same treatment and growth stage (75 DAP) of potato crop compared to the control. At this stage application of N, P and K at the rate of 100:100:100 kg NPK ha increased the potassium uptake by haulms significantly as compared to that of minimum level of 50:50:50 kg NPK ha treatment. But in case of tubers it was at 100:75:50 kg NPK ha. This indicates the need of NPK nutrients throughout the growing period of potato crop.