Market Assessment Survey of Apple grown in Jumla

Giri Dhari Subedi , Bhim Bahadur Mahat and Dhan Bahadur Rawal



A survey was carried out during June 2011 to provide a concise picture of entire value chain of apple in Jumla to identify the constraints and opportunities. Primary data were collected by individual questionnaire fills up, PRA and focus group discussion whereas secondary data were collected from various publications. The result revelled that Tatopani, Chandannath and Shinjha were major pockets covering 1574 ha of land producing 3500 mt apple fruits/annum with an productivity of 6.6 mt/ha. Out of total production, 43%, 11% and 15% have been used for local consumption, processing and export respectively whereas 31% fruits were lost due to decay. Altogether 10 collection centres and 8 cellar stores are operating for collection and storage of apple fruits respectively. Karnali fruit company, District Cooperative Federation, local collectors, airport vendors and R. K. Apple processing and Horticulture distillery are the major collectors in the district whereas B. H. Enterprise- Kathmandu was major contractor for trading organic certified apples. The price of apple fixed by DCF at Jumla airport ranges from NRs 15-35/kg for organic certified apples whereas NRs 15-30/kg for non organic apples depending upon grade. Transportation cost via aeroplane was NRs 25/kg whereas via truck was NRs 4/kg. Bhatbhatene supermarket, fruit stalls, vendors were major retailers of Jumla apple. R. K. Apple processing and Horticullture Distillary supplying organic brandy, Organic juice, jam and dried apple slice to Jumla Kosheli Ghar, Jumla organic multipurpose co-operative and Anurag Trade concern at Kalanki. Study showed that Nepal produce 41755 mt of fresh apple per annum, however, most of them are being consumed locally. Due to lack of storage, transportation and proper marketing facilities, Indian and Chinese apple fruits arrive in Nepalese market after November as an consequence, Nepal imports 37400 mt of apple, out of which 92% of the apple demand in urban markets is being met from imports i. e. 65% is from China, India (22%) and developed countries (5%). Thus we can conclude that Jumla apples taste is best in terms of its juiciness, crunchiness and sweetness, which can fetch NRs 20 to NRs 25 higher price/kg than Chinese and Indian apples provided they can be improved in terms of size, appearance and colour in the following years.

Published Year

Volume 9

Issue 1