Human Urine: A Viable Source of Organic Fertilizer for Vegetable Production in Nepal- A Review

Arun Khanal and Manoj Basnet



Vegetables are the main source of food and nutrition for the increasing population that should be minimally taken at amount of 75 -125 gram of green leafy vegetables, 85 gram of others vegetables and 85 gram of roots and tubers vegetables every day. The total vegetable production of Nepal is 3301648 metric tons from total cultivated area of 246392 hectares. To fulfill the demand of nation and utilize the export potentiality of seasonal and off season vegetables, there is a need to increase production and productivity. To increase production farmers are utilizing chemical fertilizer, improved technology and hybrid varieties a lot. Excessive and haphazard use of chemical fertilizer brings hazardous effect on health of people, soil, animals and environment we live. The unnoticed human waste urine that causes environmental pollution if unutilized could be used safely by the farmers as the alternative to chemical fertilizer as it is very rich in nutrient content that are essential for plant growth in available form. Human urine is locally available organic fertilizer that could be used as alternative source of chemical fertilizer for the production of vegetables with better product and lessen environmental hazard.

Published Year

Volume 10

Issue 1