Growth Trend Analysis of Large Cardamom in Nepal

K.P. Shrestha



Large Cardamom is one of the oldest native spices and crops of Nepal. It is prioritized exportable commodity as Nepal is the largest producer and exporter in the world. This study analyzes the trend of area, production and productivity of large cardamom and suggests possible options for its improvement. The study was focused at three levels; central, provincial and district. As per the availability of secondary data for central level analysis, 23 years data and for provincial and local level 12 years data were used. Primary information was collected from three focus group discussion, six key informant surveys and 30 expert consultations. Compound annual growth trend was calculated using regression analysis. The study shows that central level growth rates in the area, production and productivity was 0.53 (p=0.000), 0.49 (p=0.44) and -0.04 (p=0.83), respectively. Among six cardamom producing provinces, province no.1 represents 92.8% of the total cultivated area of the country but the compound annual growth rate of area, production and productivity was found negative with values -0.073 (p=0.64), -0.82(p=0.152), -0.74(p=0.19), respectively. Similarly, area, production, and productivity of the Ilam district are decreasing with -4.133 (p=0.000), -5.493 (p=0.000), and -1.419 (p=0.201) percent, respectively. These results show the poor growth of large cardamom in Nepal. Therefore, research and development authorities have suggested for the development of variety, improved package of practice, production of disease and insect free saplings, control measures of major pests and diseases and dissemination of such technologies among the growers.

Keywords:  Area, Compound Annual Growth Rate, Production, and Productivity.

Published Year

Volume 13

Issue 1