Evaluation of Ginger Storage Methods to Minimize Insect Pest Infestation and Retention of Rhizome Quality

J. Gautam*

Ginger Research, Programme, Kapurkot, Salyan

*Corresponding author:  gjanarjan@gmail.com

Received on: 9-7-2017, revised on: 24-8-2017, accepted on: 30-8-217


An experiment was carried out to evaluate storage methods of ginger at Ginger Research Programme, Kapurkot, Salyanin20l4 and 2015. Five different ginger storage methods TI) modified pit storage,-T2) indoor storage on raw brick Bhakari), T3) outdoor storage on raw brick Bhakari, T4) indoor room storage on bamboo mat Bhakari and TS) crate storage in cemented pitswere evaluatedinthe randomized complete block design with four replications. Seven days cured rhizomeswere used for storage. Ginger was stored from last week of November to first week of Mayfor both the consecutive year. Highest healthy rhizome recovery ranging 95.49 to 96.75% were found both in indoor and outdoor raw brick Bhakari as well as indoor storage made of bamboo mat. The lowest sprout length (0.43 cm) was found in indoor Bhakari made of raw bricks followed by bamboo mat bhakari (0.65 cm).Both indoor and outdoor brick Bhakaries as well as indoor bamboo mat Bhakaries showed lowest weight loss ranging 2.75 to3.12%, lowest fly infected rhizomes (0.90 — 1.2%) and minimum rhizome scale infected rhizome (0.10 — 0.32%). Considering the economic status ofmid hill farmers Bhakaries made of bamboo mat at indoor and Bhakaries made of raw bricks either indoor or outdoor conditions were found the most effective, adaptive and low cost for ginger storage.

Keywords: Ginger, healthy rhizome, rhizome fly, rhizome scale, storage methods

Published Year

Volume 12

Issue 1