Khem Raj Dahal
lnst. Of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Rampur, Chitwan
Organic agriculture is often appreciated for its ability to remain productive while keeping the quality of the environment maintained or enhanced, and natural resource conserved. Organic production system is of an immense importance for our country as we have no congenial conditions for high external input intensive farming undulated and fragmented landscapes; chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not of common reach; imbalanced and irrational use of harmful agrochemicals prevails; and resource degradation and food poisoning are on rise. In addition, diversified agro-ecological pockets with highly regenerative natural resources are available. Organic agriculture is not a new practice for Nepalese farmers as we were practicing agriculture from the time immemorial as a source of livelihood, which was completely organic. However, pervasive use of agro-chemicals to increase the production, in certain productive farming pockets during the last sixty years, and their negative consequences have raised the concerns on the quest for alternatives to this system. This has necessitated the reinvention of the practice of organic agriculture with appropriate amalgamation of traditional knowledge and scientific innovations. Awareness of the dangerous effects of agrochemicals and basic knowledge on alternative technologies is an important concern in this context. Capacity building through training and education is one of the basic prerequisites to advance towards wider adoption of organic agriculture by the farming communities in the country. This paper succinctly describes the status of
education on organic agriculture in Nepal.