I.R. Pandey1* ,P. Thapa2 and A.K. Shrestha3
1 Senior Horticulturist,HOPROC,Nepal
2Country Representative,IUCN,Nepal
3Professor,Agriculture and Forestry University,Nepal
*Corresponding email:pandeyindraraj1947@gmail.com
Nepal is rich in terms of agro-climatic variability.Almost all kinds of horticultural crops can be grown including fruits,vegetables,plantation crops,medicinal plants,spices and flowers in Nepal.Nepal has great potentiality of exporting horticultural products after meeting the internal demand.However,this fact is not much realized and harnessed due to various factors including poor development and retention of trained human resources in horticulture.Though Nepal has long history of human resource development,organizational anomalies and frequent change in policy and organizational structure has constrained development and retention of expertise in this sector.There are various institutions that produce human resource and requirements in the country not matched and there is a constant brain-drain from Nepal agriculture graduates for better opportunities and handsome salaries.Those who are employed in horticulture are also not properly placed and given opportunities for carrier development.The introduction of promotion system laterally through open competition at the top management level of horticulture demoralized the experts who are devoted in their work since long.As the country has entered into a new governance system(federal),there is a need to plan the type of human resource required at all levels analyzing the professional HR requirement from a leader farmer to high level experts,academicians for research,extension and development.Only academic qualification from universities also not sufficient for expertise development.Therefore, it is recommended that the graduate or masters in horticulture must gain experience in research farm/centres before they are placed in Agriculture Knowledge Centre for extension.Even for the retired horticulturist,Government may form and favour a forum of Retired horticulturists as well as may use them as advisors and also as part-time researchers and development experts in different (Federal,Provincial and Local) level government depending upon their availability in specific areas.Human resource development and retention is always influenced by government policies.Inter alia, one simple effort that the government can do to retain experts in their respective areas of expertise is introduction of vertical promotion system within the horticulture faculty and no lateral entry.
Keywords:agro-climatic variability,climate change,lateral entry,vertical promotion