Padma Nath Atreya
The study was undertaken to explore the technology adoption and contribution of mandarin in different nine citrus pockets of Parbat district. Forty-five respondents were selected randomly from the study sites for interviews, group discussion, PRA, RRA and used a semi structured questionnaire for information and data collection. Data was also collected from traders. Average density of mandarin planting was found slightly higher (415 trees/ha) than national recommendation. (300 trees/ha) and majority of the farmers (86%) were still using seedling tress as planting materials. The average productivity of mandarin orange was found 14.84 mt/ha which is higher than the national average and highest was17.3 mt/ha in Banskharkha. Farmers ware using bamboo baskets (Dokos), bags (Bora) and the card board boxes for packaging It was found that 33% respondent earned more than one million NRs per year, while 22% and 33% respondents earned NRs half to one million and 0ne hundred thousand to half million respectively. Mandarin farming increased the income level of farmer. Famers were using increased income on children's education family health care, drinking water, and housing facility improvement. Farmers have realized their improved nutritional condition because of more fruit consumption. It was found that mandarin cultivation decreased the work load of women in study area.