Contribution of Horticulture Sector in National Economy

M.B. Thapa1* ,H.B. KC2 ,G.D. Subedi3 ,S. Dhimal4 and R.K. Regmi5

Former Deputy Director General,Department of Agricultue,Lalitpur
2 Chief,National Centre for Potato,Vegetable and Spice Crops Development,Lalitpur
3 Senior Scientist,Horticulture Research Division,Khumaltar, Lalitpur
4 Horticulture Development Officer,Spice Crops Development Center,Panchkhal,Kavre
5 Senior Statistics Officer,Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development,Kathmandu
*   Corresponding


Agriculture sector generates about 60% employment in the country,the major part of which is coming from horticulture sub-sector.It contributes 27.6% in national GDP where horticulture is  the major part of it contributing 9.68%.Diverse and unique agro-climatic zones of Nepal offer an immense opportunity for cultivation of different fruits,vegetables,spices,flowers and plantation crops.Horticulture sub-sector shares 38.59% in AGDP,the major share is coming from vegetable (20.48%), potato (10.51%), fruits (5.13%) and spice crops (2.37%).After establishment of Department of Horticulture in 1960,several horticulture farms/stations were established at different agro-ecological domains in Nepal.Since then,research and extension programs on horticultural crops were launched effectively that has brought the momentum throughout the nation.Most of the horticultural commodities are high value commodities,and are commercialized,thus these are the important source of income to Nepalese farmers.Due to inadequate marketing infra-structure and technical know-how;horticulture development could not gain momentum  as anticipated although suitable pockets for production of fruits,vegetables and other high value commodities have been identified.Nepalese farmers cannot afford commercial farming,marketing and processing aspects due to poor economic condition although they know the comparative advantages and diversified products of horticultural crops.Present situation revealed that the government of Nepal has to increase investment on research,extension,and education in the horticulture field to raise the contribution of this sector.

Keywords:Horticulture,GDP,High value commodities,commercial production,marketing.

Published Year

Proceeding Volume 10
